-Having no school
-Playing volleyball with the guys in gym class. Putting all my stress on the court is freedom
-Watching GossipGirl and One Tree Hill
- Daylights saving time. A sign that summer is coming
-My family and friends
-Did I already say having no school ?
-Jane Eyre
-Julia Quinn
-my iPod
Since junior year I have been abandoning the things I once loved such as my sewing machine. I got a Singer sewing machine for Christmas and used it a couple times to even make a skirt. However, winter recess ended and my time for one of my first loves seems to be diminishing. My aunt got me this one that she used as a child. It's not new but I feel so vintage using it =). She promised me that she would buy me a brand new one if I make use of this one and I promised her that I will in return. I feel like I lied to her but as the summer approaches, I am going to be up on my game again. I am also applying to the BP Fashion Board this year ( I hope I get in ) and I hope to travel. What's your summer desires ?

The Singer Machine 7256 Fashion Mate that I want after I master the one I have now

Paris. I would love to go there
BP Fashion Board
I would love to see Paris too.And Barcelona also! Maybe this summer, who knows? For this summer I'm certanly going to SUA, I'd made plans for this location! I can't wait to travel! Nice post
Traveling for a whole year would be a dream come true ! but I guess that will have to wait. Have fun on your travels though. Thanks for the comment & sorry for the delay.