Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Fashion Desires

I know it has been a while. I'm a junior in high school for God's sake ! And it has been pretty stressful. I love my blog because it is my escape besides reading and sleeping. I have also been sick ( I'm always the sick one in my family for some reason). Anyways, heres a list of some things that make me really happy:
-Having no school
-Playing volleyball with the guys in gym class. Putting all my stress on the court is freedom
-Watching GossipGirl and One Tree Hill
- Daylights saving time. A sign that summer is coming
-My family and friends
-Did I already say having no school ?
-Jane Eyre
-Julia Quinn
-my iPod
Since junior year I have been abandoning the things I once loved such as my sewing machine. I got a Singer sewing machine for Christmas and used it a couple times to even make a skirt. However, winter recess ended and my time for one of my first loves seems to be diminishing. My aunt got me this one that she used as a child. It's not new but I feel so vintage using it =). She promised me that she would buy me a brand new one if I make use of this one and I promised her that I will in return. I feel like I lied to her but as the summer approaches, I am going to be up on my game again. I am also applying to the BP Fashion Board this year ( I hope I get in ) and I hope to travel. What's your summer desires ?

The Singer Machine 7256 Fashion Mate that I want after I master the one I have now

Paris. I would love to go there
BP Fashion Board

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Know It's Been A While & I'm Sorry.

Above: Marc by Marc Jacobs. Spring 2010. Love the ruffles romper and bow in her hair.

Hello everyone. I know I haven't written on this and the reason is because of junior year. Very stressful trying to do almost perfect and balancing it with other aspects of life. I'll master it one day. But this is the last place I want to talk about school b/c this blog is my escape.

Things that have made me happy since the last post:
-I got a sewing machine ! Now teaching myself how to work it & one step closer to my dream
-One Tree Hill is back on with new episodes
-Finals week is over.
-I'm finally getting my contacts after wearing glasses all my life.
-I finally went to Forever21 ( will post pictures soon )
-Zac Posen is coming out with a line for Target on April 25

I am still working on posting my outfits more on my blog but I haven't gotten a new camera yet ( my old one had water damage ) so until then please understand. Also, I want to be a redhead so badly and I don't know why. I just woke up one day and decided that. Almost everywhere I look I see a female with red hair & it's so inspiring. My hair dresser says that my hair isn't strong enough to dye so I'm working on making it grow longer ( it has since the first blog ) and becoming more healthier. Know any good hair products ? I'm such a beauty junkie. Here are some bloggers that inspire me also ( their hair & style ) Louise of Pandora , Taghrid of Taghrid and Jane of Sea of Shoes .